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An Insight Into Cat Skin Problems

An Insight Into Cat Skin Problems

What causes your cat’s skin problems and how can you prevent them? Today we’ll discuss one of the most common health issues that cat owners encounter in their pets. Cats are known to be secretive: you don’t always know what’s on their mind and what they’re about to do.  But if your kitty keeps scratching herself, and you begin to notice signs of irritation on her body, then your cat may have a serious skin condition. Proud cats might not let you know they're hurting - look out for unusual behavior! Skin problems can reveal a lot about your cat’s overall health as well as the conditions she lives in.  Cat skin problems are usually caused by parasites such as fleas, mites, fungi, or by seasonal allergies. A bad skin condition can also be related to stress. Taking a careful look at the environment where your cat spends the majority of her time is crucial to ensuring good mental and physical health.

No stress!

Common Signs Indicating Skin Problems

If any of these symptoms pop up, you should visit your vet as soon as possible. Some mild conditions can be treated with special shampoos or home made treatments, but nothing can beat a professional’s advice for more serious cases.
  1. Chewing on or licking the skin
  2. Scratching
  3. Scabs
  4. Red or inflamed skin
  5. Dry and flaky skin
  6. Bald patches
  7. Rashes
  8. Swellings and lumps

Causes of Cat Skin Problems


Abscesses are a very common skin issue that manifest in the form of a large, solid lump filled with pus. Over time, the lump will soften and possibly release a rancid liquid. Abscesses usually form after a nasty bite or a wound, which is why it’s recommended to try and keep your cat indoors to prevent injuries.
Flea Allergy Dermatitis Fleas are a constant threat to cats. If your cat is especially sensitive, it is highly recommended to make sure your cat is under flea control. Allergies caused by fleas are usually pimple-like bumps.
Ringworm Ringworm is a highly-contagious fungal infection. The symptoms of ringworm in cats include round patches with hair loss and circular red areas (hence, the name ringworm). A ringworm infection is generally treated with anti-fungal medications. Speak to your vet to receive the appropriate medicine for your cat.

Bottom Line

Take your cat to the vet as soon as possible to get looked at and treated if you witness any unusual behavior or discomfort in your cat. There are different medical shampoos and medications that could provide relief. However, it’s vital to note that most skin problems that strike our feline friends are actually a result of the environment they live in. Therefore, this means that in addition to following any professional advice you get from the vet, you’ll also need to ensure that your home is kept clean and irritant-free for your kitty. A calm, stress-free environment will keep your cat comfortable and ready to lord over his indoor kingdom with confidence.

"Keep me and my surroundings clean!"

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