Home Remedies for Dog Ear Infections
The type of treatment you decide to use mostly depends on how serious the dog’s ear infection is. If it’s an outer, surface-close inflammation, you can treat it at home, with no need to visit the vet. Here are some ways you can do that:1. Warm compress
If the infection hasn’t fully developed yet and it is just starting to redden and swell, a warm washcloth would have a very soothing effect. Just put it on your dog’s ear a few times daily for a couple of days. If the infection hasn’t fully developed yet and it is just starting to redden and swell, a warm washcloth would have a very soothing effect. Just put it on your dog’s ear a few times daily for a couple of days.
2. Vinegar
Vinegar is like a magic wand, you can use it in so many different ways. You can give your dog apple cider vinegar mixed with water to generally reduce inflammation. You can also make a cleansing liquid using water, apple cider vinegar (or regular white vinegar) and hydrogen peroxide. Put it in a spray bottle and you’re good to go. Cleanse the ear gently with a cotton ball and let it dry. "Ready to clean up my ears? Cuz I really want to play soon."
3. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has many healthy uses. You may have heard of it to reduce wrinkles or help with sunburn. It can also help to reduce inflammation, act as an anti-irritant and heal infection. Just pour a little bit of natural Aloe Vera gel in your dog’s ear to do its magic.4. Oils
There are many different botanical oils that you can use to help a dog ear infection. For example, almond oil is very helpful to reduce irritation and get rid of the inflammation. Vitamin E Oil, as well as Tea Tree Oil have a soothing and relieving effect on the irritation and pain as well, however only use Tea Tree Oil in very low concentrations or you can seriously harm your dog. Coconut oil can be used to clean and soothe your dog’s ear infection also. "Ear cleaning again...really?" Just one word of caution: no Q-tips! Use cotton balls instead. Otherwise, you could push the debris further inside your dog’s ear or poke the irritated skin which will result in more pain. You should also stay away from rubbing alcohol, which can cause your dog a lot of unnecessary pain. These are just a few of the most effective home remedies for dog ear infections that are very easy to make yourself in order to give your dog the relief they so desperately need.
Further Reading:
- Dog Ear Infections, From the American Kennel Club
- Dog Ear Infections, by PetMD
- Canine Ear Infections, by The Drake Center