The day after the Fourth of July is the biggest day for lost pets who tried to escape the loud raining fire. For our pets, it’s a different story. Loud booming and crackling is scary! Some of them will hide under the bed or a in a corner. Others will try to curl up in our laps. And many more will end up fleeing the comfort and safety of home in a blind attempt to escape the noise. The American Humane Association has reported that July 5th is their busiest time of the year. Pets are commonly lost and end up in shelters following natural disasters like hurricanes, floods and tornados. But year after year, the day after the Fourth of July is the biggest day for lost pets who tried to escape the loud raining fire. Let’s find some solutions…
Keep Canines and Cats Indoors at All Times

Skip Pet Attendance at the July Fourth Fireworks Show
Our fur-family is safest at home. Skip adding a crowded, unfamiliar location to the loud, fiery display. And locking them in the car doesn’t work either. Too many pets are lost to brain damage and heat stroke from being locked in cars. Remember, when the outside temperature is 70 degrees, it’s 104 degrees in the car within 30 minutes.
Locking them in the car doesn’t work either.
Identification is a Must

Fourth of July is one of the most important times of the year to make sure IDs are up to date and securely fastened
Anticipate a Little Destruction

This is really for the people who aren’t familiar with how their new pet will react to fireworks. If there have been recent thunderstorms, we may have an early indicator of reactions to loud noises. Some pets just try to hide. Others may lose their bladder. Some become destructive out of stress and end up chewing furniture and shoes. Nobody wants to discipline a pet who has already been upset. Have a few towels nearby for clean-up. Remember to be patient and understanding.
Everyone handles fear differently. Be prepared. Show them love. It will come back to us, ten-fold. Celebrations are fun for people and pets. Guests, games, belly rub - for the dogs, not the humans … probably. Just help guests remember not to leave alcohol unattended. It’s poisonous for pets. The same goes for insect repellant, sunscreen, and citronella products. They should be labeled as pet-safe, or not used on our fur-friends. And even though many guests will find those hypnotic puppy eyes irresistible, table scraps should be avoided.

Table scraps should be avoided, even though we'll be faced with irresistible hypnotic puppy eyes looking for a piece of BBQ. Never underestimate the power of a natural, organic remedy for anxiety. Vet Organics offers EcoBalance, which is an inexpensive, extra-strength anxiety solution for dogs and cats. It’s safe and gentle, but formulated to act on those raw pet nerves. Canines and kittens will be able to enjoy the day, clear-headed and free of expensive medicines. Soothing, calm, and tranquil spaces will help, but having the right remedy on-hand is just good pet-parenting. Never underestimate the power of a natural, organic remedy for anxiety like Vet Organics EcoBalance, a proven extra-strength anxiety solution. So, enjoy the party and let’s celebrate the fourth with good food, good friends, a great fiery show, and happy, healthy pets.So, enjoy the party, and let’s celebrate the Fourth with good food, good friends, a great fiery show, and happy, healthy pets.