Everyone deserves a birthday!

Ready for the party!.
Celebrate All Shelter Dogs for DOGust
- Adopt for DOGust . If there is room in your home for another fur-baby, make the choice this month. It’s the perfect time to find the right match and many shelters are offering specials to help motivate guardians to take the plunge.
- Volunteer at a Shelter. If adding to the family isn’t in the cards right now, that’s OK! Instead, think about offering a day, a few hours, or a whole week to help care for these patient pups. There’s always something to do.
- Donate Supplies to the No-Kill Shelter of Your Choice . Many shelters rely solely on donations. Even those shelters with a healthy budget go through an incredible volume of supplies. Money always helps, but they often accept food and other gifts. Call the shelter to find out what they need and check out this article for additional ideas.

If there is room in your home for another fur-baby, make the choice this month.
Celebrate a Special Shelter Dog
- Throw a Doggy Birthday Party. We can throw a party for our special mutt and invite neighborhood pups for a playdate. Go all out with invites, dog-safe decorations, and squeaky toy party favors.
- Bake some special dog treats. If a big birthday party seems like a bit much, bake some special treats with some favorite flavors. Peanut butter? Bacon? Maybe some cheese?
- Buy a new toy! Everyone gets a gift for their birthday, right? Head to the nearest doggy toy store and let’s let Fido pick a new favorite. Let them take all the time they need and then give it to them to proudly carry out of the store.

Bake some special treats with some favorite flavors!

Happy birthday!.