When you think about pets, what do you imagine? Dogs? Cats? Maybe a little goldfish in a bowl? As it turns out, one of the most popular pets in America right now has more in common with your garden variety rat than with the pooch that calls your couch home. Hedgehogs, those cute little balls of spikes with the long adorable snouts, are seeing a dramatic rise in popularity as household pets. There’s just one small problem: Hedgehogs are considered to be “exotic” animals, and many cities and states have bans in place that make it illegal to own one of these spiny little rodents. Experts worry that human habits and a hedgehog’s nocturnal instincts don’t always make for a healthy living environment for the creatures, while unsocialized hedgehogs aren’t exactly friendly to the idea of being handled by humans and may spike children and adults (though being spiked by a hedgehog isn’t necessarily as dangerous as it is painful).
Photo Credit: Quick Meme (via Julianna M.) Still, thanks to cute hedgehog pictures showing up all over the web and the relative low maintenance involved in providing for one, plenty of Americans are welcoming them into their homes as the new family pet. They’re even a good choice for folks with dander allergies. While a hedgehog isn’t necessarily as active or exciting as a puppy, it can provide a cute distraction that requires very little in the way of space, costs, and attention. Just don’t be surprised if yours keeps you up at night!