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Is Your Cat Sick? Common Symptoms to Watch

Is Your Cat Sick? Common Symptoms to Watch

shutterstock_184925978 Cats are often hard to diagnosis and will hide their weaknesses. Unfortunately for pet owners across the globe, animals aren’t always great at communicating health problems. Your cat can’t simply say, “Hey, I’m not feeling very good,” so the onus is on you to learn the signs that indicate a possible health problem. Being able to identify health problems as they arise will ensure you seek veterinary assistance early enough in the life cycle to prevent dangerous symptoms from manifesting (and will dramatically lower the cost of treatments). Cats show a few common signs of illness regardless of breed or history:
Changes in Eating/Drinking - Cats generally have solid feeding habits. Any consistent change to established patterns could be indicative of a medical problem. This is especially true if your cat is drinking more than usual.
Potty Problems -If your cat is using the restroom outside of the litter box, it could be a sign of a urinary tract infection or other problem. It might also mean your cat is having trouble getting in and out of the box.
Activity Changes - Sudden decreases in your cat’s activity could hint that he’s experiencing arthritic problems or discomfort related to illness. It’s normal for older cats to slow down, though. You should also watch for changes in your cat’s sleeping patterns.
Interaction Changes - If your cat is suddenly acting strange around you and your family, it might not be feeling too well. Cats that are usually social but suddenly stop could be experiencing health issues.
Weight Fluctuations - Cats that suddenly lose or gain large amounts of weight might be stricken with diabetes, hyperthyroidism, or a variety of other conditions. Obesity also increases the risk of joint disease and diabetes.
Grooming Trouble - If your cat is having difficulty grooming himself he could be suffering from joint disease or obesity. Over-grooming can hint at skin disease or anxiety. Your vet can help you sort it out.
Vocalization - Cats that show unusual increases in vocalization could be trying to alert you to pain they are experiencing. Increased vocalization has also been tied to high blood pressure and anxiety.
Bad Breath - Bad breath is the first sign of serious dental disease. Almost all cats over three years of age have gum disease, and gum disease can cause infections across all systems in the body. Get your cat’s teeth cleaned as needed. Remember, you know your cat best. Anything you deem unusual should be cause for concern.
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