Do you have a dog that is always on the run? Perhaps you’ll be interested in testing out the newest product from Purina: a canine energy bar. While energy drinks and bars have long been a staple of human diets, Purina’s new creation marks the first time such a product has been released for the pet market. The energy bar, which launched featuring NY Giants quarterback
Eli Manning as its spokesman, promises to help your pooch with a protein-rich caloric boost perfect for exercise and activity. According to Purina, the new energy bars were developed for dogs with high activity levels. The idea is to provide additional calories for high-energy dogs to burn while engaged in tough physical sports like flyball, agility, long runs, and hikes. Nutrition information is included on the bar so dog owners know how much is right for their specific pup. Bars should only be fed to dogs with high caloric needs. Veterinarians warn dog owners that it’s is important to monitor daily caloric intake. According to the
American Veterinary Medical Association, between 25 and 40 percent of dogs in the United States are at least slightly overweight, with some suffering from obesity. The new Purina dog energy bar is designed to augment dogs with high caloric needs and should be taken into consideration when calculating your dog’s daily nutritional demands.