What to Do For an Itchy Cat Ear
What to Do For an Itchy Cat Ear
Q: How should I treat an itchy cat ear?
A: A common symptom for cat owners which alerts them that there may be a problem is an itchy cat ear. An itchy cat ear is often accompanied by bad smell or excessive dirt or dishcarge in the ear. These symptoms are caused by fungus, bacteria, yeast, mites and other parasites, which are other words for ear infections. EcoEars is an all natural solution for infected and itchy cat ears that really works!
If your cat has an ear infection–an ear that is unusually smelly, itchy, sensitive or gunky, EcoEars will help her. Maybe its just the itchy cat ear, but maybe she also shakes her head or cries when you touch her or maybe her ear just smells bad.
You basically have two options:
1. Go to the vet for professional treatment; or
2. Treat it yourself at home easily and inexpensively using an all natural ear disinfectant such as EcoEars.
If you are leaning towards option 2, there is no better product than EcoEars. EcoEars works quickly and gently and is extremely effective and easy to use. By formulating EcoEars with a broad spectrum of powerful natural ingredients–with each one targeting specific infections–we have created a product which is effective on the vast majority of cat ear infections. And this means no more itchy cat ear!
EcoEars has been used successfully on 1000’s of cats whose ear infections included fungus, mites, yeast infections, and a wide range of bacterial infections. In addition to disinfecting your cat’s infected ear, EcoEars lowers the pH slightly which makes the ear environment far less susceptible to recurring infections.
When you use EcoEars, you’ll notice the itch and other symptoms begin to improve in 1-2 days and be gone in a few days. (You should always continue treatment for a full 10 days.) Will it work? It is extremely likely. If EcoEars does not fix the itchy ear and disinfect the ear infection, we offer a 100% money back guarantee. No questions asked.
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