
Raw Food Diets Might Be Riskier than You Think

Raw Food Diets Might Be Riskier than You Think

Feeding raw is one of the hottest trends in pet ownership right now. The raw diet for dogs and cats has gained such popularity that even big-box pet stores like...

Oct 12 2014

Raw Food Diets Might Be Riskier than You Think

Feeding raw is one of the hottest trends in pet ownership right now. The raw diet for dogs and cats has gained such popularity that...

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New Federal Rules Demand Accountability for Pet...

If you and your pet are frequent flyers, you may want to take note of recent rules issued by the United States Department of Transportation. Starting January 1, 2015, all...

Oct 08 2014

New Federal Rules Demand Accountability for Pet Mishaps on Planes

If you and your pet are frequent flyers, you may want to take note of recent rules issued by the United States Department of Transportation....

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Somehow Colorado Fleas Have Picked Up the Bubonic Plague

Somehow Colorado Fleas Have Picked Up the Bubon...

The bubonic plague is an incredibly lethal disease that has claimed millions of lives over the course of history. Remember the famous Black Death plague that wiped out a third...

Oct 03 2014

Somehow Colorado Fleas Have Picked Up the Bubonic Plague

The bubonic plague is an incredibly lethal disease that has claimed millions of lives over the course of history. Remember the famous Black Death plague...

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Pet Product Creators Chasing New Trends

Pet Product Creators Chasing New Trends

There is no question that pet product trends are heading in crazy new directions. Now more than ever, pet parents are working to spoil their pets in addition to providing...

Sep 28 2014

Pet Product Creators Chasing New Trends

There is no question that pet product trends are heading in crazy new directions. Now more than ever, pet parents are working to spoil their...

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Firefighters Deploy New Tech to Save Pet Lives

Firefighters Deploy New Tech to Save Pet Lives

When a fire breaks out in your home, firefighters have a bevy of tools for dealing with the blaze and ensuring you get out safe. And now they’re expanding their...

Sep 17 2014

Firefighters Deploy New Tech to Save Pet Lives

When a fire breaks out in your home, firefighters have a bevy of tools for dealing with the blaze and ensuring you get out safe....

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Attorney Pushes to Raise the Value of Pets in t...

If someone asked you to put a price on your pet, what would you say? Odds are good you consider your furry friend to be priceless. But what happens if...

Sep 11 2014

Attorney Pushes to Raise the Value of Pets in the Eyes of the Law

If someone asked you to put a price on your pet, what would you say? Odds are good you consider your furry friend to be...

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Marijuana Pet Poisonings Increase Across the Nation

Marijuana Pet Poisonings Increase Across the Na...

We have reported on this before, but the trend continues. Regardless of how you may feel about humans using marijuana, one thing is certain: Dogs and cats should not be...

Sep 05 2014

Marijuana Pet Poisonings Increase Across the Nation

We have reported on this before, but the trend continues. Regardless of how you may feel about humans using marijuana, one thing is certain: Dogs...

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World’s Oldest Cancer Dates Back 11,000 Years -- To Dogs

World’s Oldest Cancer Dates Back 11,000 Years -...

In the great majority of cases, cancer isn’t contagious. Most cancers remain in the individual human or animal body that has become afflicted with them. However, researchers have tracked one...

Sep 02 2014

World’s Oldest Cancer Dates Back 11,000 Years -- To Dogs

In the great majority of cases, cancer isn’t contagious. Most cancers remain in the individual human or animal body that has become afflicted with them....

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Purina Introduces Dog Energy Bar

Purina Introduces Dog Energy Bar

Do you have a dog that is always on the run? Perhaps you’ll be interested in testing out the newest product from Purina: a canine energy bar. While energy drinks...

Aug 30 2014

Purina Introduces Dog Energy Bar

Do you have a dog that is always on the run? Perhaps you’ll be interested in testing out the newest product from Purina: a canine...

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Cat Bites: A Hidden Danger

Cat Bites: A Hidden Danger

If you own a cat, odds are good that cat has probably bitten you. Cats are often playful in nature, and quite a few cats express this playfulness by scratching...

Aug 24 2014

Cat Bites: A Hidden Danger

If you own a cat, odds are good that cat has probably bitten you. Cats are often playful in nature, and quite a few cats...

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Does Owning a Pet Make You a Better Person?

Does Owning a Pet Make You a Better Person?

Anyone who has owned a pet can attest to the fact that it is a rewarding, if sometimes challenging, experience. Pet ownership comes with complications and responsibilities, but also with...

Aug 18 2014

Does Owning a Pet Make You a Better Person?

Anyone who has owned a pet can attest to the fact that it is a rewarding, if sometimes challenging, experience. Pet ownership comes with complications...

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American Pet Spending has Skyrocketed

American Pet Spending has Skyrocketed

Despite tough economic times and one of the harshest job markets in decades, Americans are still finding more and more cash to spread around on their pets. According to the...

Jun 12 2014

American Pet Spending has Skyrocketed

Despite tough economic times and one of the harshest job markets in decades, Americans are still finding more and more cash to spread around on...

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Americans are Choosing Dogs Over Kids

Americans are Choosing Dogs Over Kids

Once upon a time, the American dream involved buying a house, having a nice car in the garage, and settling down to start a family that involved at least one...

Jun 09 2014

Americans are Choosing Dogs Over Kids

Once upon a time, the American dream involved buying a house, having a nice car in the garage, and settling down to start a family...

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Unintended Consequences: Vets Treating More Pups for Ingested Marijuana

Unintended Consequences: Vets Treating More Pup...

Here’s an odd bit of news out of Colorado: Denver veterinarians are reporting a marked increase in dogs treated for ingestion of marijuana. It appears as though more dogs than...

Jun 06 2014

Unintended Consequences: Vets Treating More Pups for Ingested Marijuana

Here’s an odd bit of news out of Colorado: Denver veterinarians are reporting a marked increase in dogs treated for ingestion of marijuana. It appears...

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New Proposal Creates Emergency Protocol for Saving Pets

New Proposal Creates Emergency Protocol for Sav...

If your house catches on fire or a flood strikes your neighborhood, you probably feel safe knowing that the fire department and other emergency services will immediately be on their...

Jun 05 2014

New Proposal Creates Emergency Protocol for Saving Pets

If your house catches on fire or a flood strikes your neighborhood, you probably feel safe knowing that the fire department and other emergency services...

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